Everyone Scotland 2033 Logo
Heralds Trust Logo
Text reads A Message to Everyone

Whether you are an individual or part of a Church you can help get the gospel to your street, town or village. Sign up today and deliver your copies of the gospel to your neighbours.

Contact Details

We will use the contact details here only to follow up with you.

Your Plan (optional)

What sort of scale do you have in mind?

We'd love to know more about your plans, don't worry if you don't have a full plan ready, or need to discuss and get permission from others, you can put in some rough estimates or even skip this section all together!

About The Heralds Trust

The Heralds Trust is a registered charity committed to reaching the Nation of Scotland with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The charity was founded over 50 years ago by young leaders with a heart to reach people across Scotland with music and the Gospel.

More than 5.4 million people live in Scotland but fewer than 1% are born again believers.

The Heralds are helping to equip Christians to share their faith, training a new generation of evangelists and church planters, and taking the Gospel onto the streets, into schools and marketplace.

About The Pocket Testament League

The Pocket Testament League and its members share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Millions of copies of the gospel have been given away since the start of this world-changing ministry. Our main focus is on personal evangelism in the UK, encouraging Christians to share pocket Gospels and actively engage with those who have not yet heard about Christ.

Financial Support

Would you be willing to stand with us to make a donation to cover the cost of distributing your gospels of John to your area. They costs approximately £0.50p per copy. Please simply make a donation of any amount. Thank you for playing your part to get the Good News in to the hands of those who need the most.

PayPal £

Frequently Asked Questions

This depends on how many copies you need, for very small quantities - like for a single street - we may send them in a single box via courier. Larger quantities may require pallet shipment, or to be collected. When we contact you, you can let us know if you have any preference on how you receive your copies.

As many as you can deliver!

We will be in touch to discuss your plans and how many copies you would like to order. We can also help you with ideas and resources to help you deliver the gospel to your area.